Guide to reST

reST is white space sensitive.

  • Like python, a lot of the structure of the text comes from indention.
  • A lot of things (code blocks) require whitespace before and after.

reST groups strings together with `‘s.

reST uses .. as the means to call a function

  • So most of the time you want to get data into reST, or make something happen, you use ..

reST uses :: in the main text to to break function names from arguments.

  • This is done because comments are likely to have a : in them.

  • For example:

    .. note:: This is a sweet note.
              The whitespace here matters.

reST uses :<ref>:`` to reference things

  • This allows you to link to other parts of your document, and even other sphinx projects with :ref:`.

  • For example:

    You might look at the :doc:`getting-started` document for more information.
    You can call :func:`get_all_objects` to get all of the objects.